Mike and Bernice Koelzer in the only dry barn in the festival
Yamo kissing Bernice while I hold Pepper as Lulu eats my shirt through the fence
Yamo the llama and Pepper the cashmere goat down on the farm.
Yamo looks interested, but he loves all the ladies
My sister lives on a cashmere goat farm in Virginia. It's very different from my life in Seattle. I come and learn about biocontainment and current offerings on television and what to do with an amorous llama.
She also took me to the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival. It's billed as the biggest in the nation. I can also tell you that it was the wettest this year. The rain fell, the red water flowed down the paths between the tents and it was too wet to take pictures outside. There were signs all over the parking lot warning that children and dogs would be removed from cars which I would have photographed. I got soaked looking for the Mongolian yurt with the Felting Turk in it. The demonstration was great, but he said the felting was going slowly because it was so cold. There was also a small tent full of wet singing Jewish boys stuffed into it but I was too wet and the camera would have drowned. You really should have been there.